Citations, sites, quotas and stuff that seem to be non-neglecteble. A more non-conform way to spy on the trends and the world.
Finibus Bonorum et Malorum is a work from Cicero. Chunks of this is a part of the Lorem ipsum - the dummytexts that is used in almost every sketch that creatives in advertising use.


JenniCam goes dark

After seven years she is pulling the plug from her website: Jenni Ringley who the netizens have been able to follow in her everyday life. CNET News is telling the sad story: "Ringley, a self-described former computer geek who works at a non-profit social service agency near Sacramento, Calif., says in her mission statement that she wanted to create a 'window into a virtual human zoo. ' "

There's no explanation on her site but it might be because of Paypals redlisting of her account since she is showing her tits and that's against Paypals "rules". Americans...

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