Citations, sites, quotas and stuff that seem to be non-neglecteble. A more non-conform way to spy on the trends and the world.
Finibus Bonorum et Malorum is a work from Cicero. Chunks of this is a part of the Lorem ipsum - the dummytexts that is used in almost every sketch that creatives in advertising use.


Twist and turn

The Rubik's cube is back. Again. And it's as analog as in the eighties. "The puzzle has a unique appeal to Generation Y". Dan Knight, the world's fastest solver of the cube and only 24 year old, is stating a fact. And his analysis is that today the intelligent g33k isn't low-valued as in the eighties, rather there is a fad of "the g33ks will rule the world". As mr Knight says: "The Cube is an underground way to be smart. It's dorky, but it's cool to be dorky.".

1974 the cubic puzzle was invented and in the dawn of the eighties it was big: selling 250 million units worldwide 1981. But the puzzling colorful cube was vanished but not forgotten. The toy of mathematics was selling in half a million units 2002. And just as Andy Camann found his mother's Rubik's cube in the cellar and later was second fastest in the world to solve it.

The Rubik cube is an icon, it got some sort of generic status as a symbol of the intelligent ways to solve a problem. But it also is a nostalghia-journey where the games of the parents youth is played by their children. The story of the toys is told in the store and the brands is powered both by the continuance and maybe a growing fatigue of the digital illusions in the computergames.

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