At the Buzz I found this blog: Baghdad Burning from a woman who lives in Baghdad and do not like the americans.
I think this is one of the most fantastic features and best effects of the blogging-trend: the possibilities for everyone to tell about their life and their world and that others can read and hopefully get a broader view of life and other people. Cause things like this is a document of our time:
"They traced his route from his home to Al-Jami’a Quarter, where his parents lived, pausing at every burnt vehicle to examine it and asking the people in the surrounding areas whether they had seen a white 1985 Toyota being driven by a 40-year-old man? Maybe it had been fired at by a tank? Maybe it was hit by an Apache? People were sympathetic, but helpless. No white Toyota- a blue Kia with 6 passengers, a red Volkswagen with a mother, father and two kids… but no white Toyota. Every single time, they were referred to the makeshift graves along the main roads and highways. The temporary graves, for several weeks, lined the main roads of Baghdad. "
I am not against the war but somehow I hate the way which media tend to show it: as a shoot'em up-game. Everyone is a terrorist if iraquee and the good guys is the invaders. Life ain´t that simple. There's no black and white, rather different shades of gray.