Citations, sites, quotas and stuff that seem to be non-neglecteble. A more non-conform way to spy on the trends and the world.
Finibus Bonorum et Malorum is a work from Cicero. Chunks of this is a part of the Lorem ipsum - the dummytexts that is used in almost every sketch that creatives in advertising use.


So much for the dev

1995 I was part of the info-squad at the nation and our mission was clear: make something that get us good money at Wednesdays. Popcorn, a sort of mainstream trendy acidjazz-club had been a huge success for about two years but it´s successor Glorietta was extremly on-trend but sadly the students in Uppsala weren't. So time for some real populistic thinking, the "wet-finger-in-the-air"-strategy. I was in a state of creative mania and the idea started to build from the concept with the menus inside old covers from LPs. And of course should it be old music, music from our childhood and teenage wildlife.

But the name was a hard one to fetch. But a late night, on my way to bed I truly was blessed and there it was: Vinyl. No shit, Sherlock. Time to get busy. In a flash I had the concept scratched down on a piece of paper and also the sketch on the poster and flyer.

It was more than a success! The hardcore-team who worked most with the concept sat together after the opening and sunk a bottle of whiskey. They say that I was totally wired later on. Who cares?

Tonight - eight year after the glorious opening I surfed to the nations homepage and was surprised: the conept Vinyl still lives. And it´s the same logo. I did this on a Performa 450 and a LC II with Freehand 3.0. And I remember that I needed to split the original file on five or six floppies to be able to get it to the printer who printed the posters.

When googling after better pics of the logo I found a study of V-Dala's PR which was written in '02 and the brands that the writers examinating is brands which I have been active to create or re-create. Strange, nothing new happen. Or was it that we was a bunch of creatively madmen and women during my time?

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