Yahoo News: The police was called to a school in New Mexico after bystanders had spot a boy carrying a long, tinfoiled, gunlike thing into the school. Radio news was warning the parents and everything was developing into a craze. Problem was that it was Morrissey, a pupil in the school, and his gigantic burrito... (via VeryBigBlog)
Citations, sites, quotas and stuff that seem to be non-neglecteble. A more non-conform way to spy on the trends and the world.
Finibus Bonorum et Malorum is a work from Cicero. Chunks of this is a part of the Lorem ipsum - the dummytexts that is used in almost every sketch that creatives in advertising use.
Born in the gallery "Berlin couple plan to have their first baby at an art gallery.[...] 'It's a gift to humanity, a once in a lifetime thing,' Bild newspaper
quoted Winfried Witt, partner of mother-to-be Ramune Gele, as saying.[...]30 people are expected to attend the birth, scheduled for April 24. They would be told to come to the gallery as soon as the 27-year-old Gele's contractions became regular."
The soon discover that the true art is to be able to feed, nurture and clothing the child - and at the same time keep one's sanity.
End of the fingerish Wendy-stuff
Reviewjournal: "Officer Enrique Garcia, a spokesman for San Jose police, confirmed that officers arrested Ayala in Las Vegas. He would not provide details of the arrest or the charges she will face. Those details will be announced during a news conference in San Jose today."
Password collection
Josh Rubin: Cool Hunting: "Not as titillating as some of the other items in this well-mounted collection by Spanish designer."

The waves from the top
Koh Jum Those fascinating pics of the Thai waves taken by a Swede, Anders Grawin, who was hiking up on the Mt. Pu on the morning of Dec. 26 '04.
What digit detectives can learn from a tip
Slate: A pretty nasty explanation on the police work on the finger in the Chili bowl at Wendy's.
FB&M - Wendy's working hard to find the owner of the finger
FB&M - Finger-in-chili accuser has litigious history
FB&M - More on the finger
FB&M - The mystery of the chili-fingertip.
Wendy's working hard to find the owner of the finger
MSNBC: "SAN JOSE, Calif. - Somewhere out there is a woman, dead or alive, who is missing a well-manicured finger about 1� inches long."
Finger-in-chili accuser has litigious history Anna Ayala, 39, who hired a San Jose, Calif., attorney to represent her in the Wendy’s case, has been involved in at least half a dozen legal battles in the San Francisco Bay area, according to court records. [...]“Lies, lies, lies, that’s all I am hearing,” she said. “They should look at Wendy’s. What are they hiding? Why are we being victimized again and again?”.
Shooter mourns pope's death
MSNBC: Mehmet Ali Agca, who shot and seriously wounded Pope John Paul II in 1981, said from his Turkish prison Monday that he was mourning the death of his “spiritual brother” and wanted to attend his funeral.
So totally insane.
Woman breastfeeds tiger cubs"'I felt sorry for them so I decided to feed them before their teeth grow,'. Hla Htay, 40, a relative of a Yangon Zoological Gardens staffer and a mother of three including a seven-month-old baby, stepped in when she learned the cubs needed breast milk to survive. Veterinarian Kyaw Myo Hlaing said they were being bottle-fed along with Hla Htay's half-hour breastfeeding sessions four times a day, the report said.
Bono cheers the memory of the Evil Polish Pope
BBC NEWS: U2 lead singer Bono has paid tribute to Pope John Paul II, calling him the "best frontman the Roman Catholic Church ever had". They met when they campaigned to end world debt and both were nominees for the Nobel peace prize. Bono described the late pontiff - who died on Saturday - as "a great show man, a great communicator of ideas".
For the first time in my life I feel ashamed for the man that (still though) is one of my biggest idols. Bono is (like almost the rest of the world) sanctifying the The Evil Polish. What about all the stories of cardinals and priests who has been put in jail for sexual assualt on young boys? And the pope was silent or protecting them? And the liberation theologicans in South America who have been silenced by the pontiff and in some cases the Catholic church have stood up for the landowners against the poor people.
Are we just to forget all this? Just as forgetting his conservative line in the discussion about topics like abortion, condoms, the HIV-catastrophe in Africa, the HBT-people slain or beaten up by young Christians? Forgive and forget.
No fucking way.
Strangeways here we come
Guardian Unlimited:Fifteen years ago, on the April Fool's Day, the worst riot in the juridical system of Britain was at hand. On the prison Strangeways in Manchester it all started at the Sunday sermon.
Later on The Smiths did name one of their best albums after this event.
Sick of the Christians of USA
I feel sick of the so-called Christians who totally dismiss the Terri Schiavo as some sort of symbol of life. The same Christians is putting the Bush's and the republicans in charge. They wanted to force Terri and her spouse to let her live even if the life wasn't worthy but at the same time they hail the American way in the Iraq. I feel sick.