Citations, sites, quotas and stuff that seem to be non-neglecteble. A more non-conform way to spy on the trends and the world.
Finibus Bonorum et Malorum is a work from Cicero. Chunks of this is a part of the Lorem ipsum - the dummytexts that is used in almost every sketch that creatives in advertising use.


Access Denied

Strange thing. At Juniors homesite you won't get in unless you surf on American waves. Everyother of us (at least in Norway, Taipei, GB, Austria and Sweden) is told that we have no access (403 - Access Denied).

FBI takes servers down

The Indymedia Network is suffering seizures by the feds everywhere in the world. In Swiss the FBI have made housecalls on the ISPs that hosts Indymediaservers as well as twenty servers were taken down in Britain. "The significance of this is that apparently, a foreign government, based on a secret process, can have the U.S. government silence independent news sources without ever having to answer to the American people about how that kind of restraint could happen". (Excite News)


Britney is made for heaven

Britney goes chabalistic.



The secret of Jandek

The strange artist "Jandek" is probably the most unknown known artist and he is building the myth when not giving away anything about his person. But he has recorded records since 1978. A A Guide to Jandek there is some sort of fan-portal. Strange.


Missing socks

Where do all Lonely socks go?


evhead: Next?

Evan who started Blogger is leaving Google/Blogger after six years in the heat. (evhead: Next?)

How to scare people with statistics

Iron Monkey is telling how to use statistics to scare the shit outta people. And as a sociologist I can tell he is right... *evil grin* Iron Monkey: How to Scare People with Statistics


Bigger tone

Let's hear it. Bigger boobs without the knife. You can get the hooters with the help of a ringtone. (


Pranksters end the

The trial period with the personalized stamps won't be prolonged. Although the service have been really successful the US Postal Service puts an end to it after a number of pranksters have been using the service printing stamps of Ted Kaczynski, Jimmy Hoffa as well as Slobodan Milosevic. Read the whole shit at CNET