Citations, sites, quotas and stuff that seem to be non-neglecteble. A more non-conform way to spy on the trends and the world.
Finibus Bonorum et Malorum is a work from Cicero. Chunks of this is a part of the Lorem ipsum - the dummytexts that is used in almost every sketch that creatives in advertising use.


Google playing at the Chinese gameboard

The search-gigant Google is not to political correct when they defend the chinese governments censorship of the Net. They are defending the proxy-ways of making a searchindex with arguments like "In order to create the best possible news search experience for our users, we sometimes decide not to include some sites, for a variety of reasons.".

What's the fuzz? The chinese surfers aren't able to see the sites even if Google choose to keep them in their index? Wrong. Most of the more skilled surfers in China knows how to work-around the Great Virtual Wall so when Google is put the forbidden sites out of the index it's a real act of censorship. (E-Media Tidbits)

Microsoft is fucking us up

CNET has the new and no-improved bruha of the Redmond dinosaur. The new security-enchanced version of IE is only available for XP-users. And the catch is to get everyone to upgrade.

Microsoft's new approach where security-issues should be on top of their list is just bs since they totally ignore the fact that to be able to upgrade to XP, the user have to be a pretty new computer and that operative is like walking in glue when using it with less than 512 mb RAM.

I think Microsoft do the same mistake as the former No. 1 Netscape did - trying to fuck us users up. The giant is going down. In flames.


Charts on the spam

The statistical freaks are not to many but they are very neat and keep their numbers tidy. At OldNewThing the author have made nice charts of all spam and virus-mail he have been recieving since '97.


Twist a Pen, Open a Lock

'The problem's not going to go away,' he said. 'Keeping it quiet just gives thieves more time to use this to their advantage. I wanted to let people know they are vulnerable. It's an illusion of security.'"

Security-engineer and biker Chris Brennan have found that the expensive Kryptonite-locks is opened in seconds with a simple plastic pen. (Wired News)


Scent the portal

A portal of the science and technology. Engineering when it's the best. scenta


The Anna Nicole Smith rollercoaster diet

Somehow fascination is the word explaining the feeling about the strange and surrealistic ways of Anna Nicole Smith. No she´s down in her weight again and this losses seem to be synchronized with her no-appeareance in media.


The ultimate sex appeal list

A study have revealed the fact that men and women is attracted by the same clothing of women.

Women's choice for the top five clothing items that add sex appeal:

1. Stiletto heels

2. Expensive lingerie

3. Stockings

4. Derrière-hugging trousers or jeans

5. Cleavage-revealing tops

Men's choice for the top five clothing items that add sex appeal:

1. Stiletto heels

2. Slit skirts

3. Stockings

4. Mini-skirt

5. Jeans and a T-shirt


We´re in front

"It's great that Apple's in here. I think it's great we're in here. This is going to drive innovation at a pretty rapid pace. Is there an opportunity here for more than one company? Absolutely."

BW Online | "We're Early on the Video Thing"